Support for research projects before the United Nations
At Aix Global Justice, we firmly believe in the vital role of academia in the protection and promotion of human rights. We therefore actively respond to calls from various players within the United Nations and contribute to cases that have an impact on human rights worldwide.
Our renowned legal team, made up of accomplished specialists and dedicated jurists, combine their expertise and passion for justice to conduct in-depth research and analysis. We tackle complex human rights issues, exploring legal frameworks, historical contexts and societal dynamics to obtain comprehensive insights.
With a commitment to academic excellence, our clinic bridges the gap between theory and practice. By engaging in rigorous academic research, we strive to contribute to the development of international human rights standards and the achievement of justice for all.
Our contributions offer a unique academic perspective, illuminating emerging challenges, proposing innovative solutions and advocating for the protection and empowerment of vulnerable individuals and communities.
This research work for the United Nations gives us access to a global platform for disseminating our research findings and recommendations.
We believe that the collective efforts of academia, civil society and international organizations are essential to safeguarding human rights worldwide. Our clinic serves as a catalyst for change, bridging the gap between academia and activism to promote a fairer, more inclusive world.
La responsabilité des entreprises dans le contexte des droits de l’Homme et des changements climatiques - Contribution pour le Rapporteur spécial des NU
Janvier 2024
Au mois de novembre la Clinique a répondu à l'appel à contribution lancé par le Rapporteur spécial des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques. L’appel à contribution avait pour but d’aider à la rédaction d’un rapport sur la responsabilité des entreprises dans le contexte des droits de l'homme et du changement climatique qui sera présenté durant la 56ème session du Conseil des Droits de l’Homme en 2024.
Le mandat était axé sur le rôle du secteur financier et bancaire, notamment sur son soutien à l’industrie des combustibles fossiles et son incidence sur les droits humains, ainsi que sur l’opacité des systèmes comptables offshore qui sont utilisés par ces secteurs.

Le traitement des disparitions forcées ou involontaires par les organes africains des droits de l'Homme
Novembre 2023
Ce rapport répond à l'appel à contribution lancé le Groupe de travail des Nations Unies sur les disparitions forcées dans le cadre de leur visite auprès des organes des droits de l'Homme de l'UA.
La contribution est axée sur les initiatives émergentes nationales, régionales et continentales, les freins aux signalements des cas de disparitions forcées ainsi que sur les solutions et bonnes pratiques visant à y remédier.

The human rights situation in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967
February 2023
According to the report, the Occupied Palestinian Territory has been the scene of widespread violence and attacks resulting in the death of Palestinians. These acts of violence are likely to be the result of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the region. The report underlines that these attacks violate fundamental human rights, including the right to life, liberty and security of the person.

Climate change and the right to food: A case study from Viet Nam
December 2022
The report examines Vietnam's vulnerability to climate change, which particularly affects the food security of poor communities and ethnic minorities. It highlights the increase in extreme weather events and water-related problems, leading to a decline in agricultural and fisheries production.

​L’impact de la numérisation de la société dans l’avènement de la pornographie, de la prostitution et des violences qui en découlent
Janvier 2024
La Clinique, Aix Global Justice-Clinique Doctorale de Droit International des Droits de l’Homme, a le plaisir de partager avec vous son rapport intitulé « L’impact de la numérisation de la société dans l’avènement de la pornographie, de la prostitution et des violences qui en découlent ».
Ce rapport répond à l’appel à contribution lancé par le bureau des Nations Unies pour les Droits humains concernant le lien entre la prostitution les violences commises à l'égard des femmes et des filles dans la prostitution. Afin d’appuyer les recherches de la Rapporteuse Spéciale en charge de cette mission, la contribution est axée sur la numérisation de la société comme élément catalyseur des contenus et pratiques pornographiques qui peuvent, à terme, se confondre avec la prostitution.

UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression - Philippines
Janvier 2024

From 23 January to 2 February 2024, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression, Ms Irene Khan, will undertake an official country visit to the Philippines to examine, in the spirit of cooperation and dialogue, the situation of the rights to freedom of opinion and expression in the country. In preparation for her visit, we worked on a situation report about four key points : the national legislative framework, the freedom of the media, the internet freedom and the freedom of expression of specific groups. We have therefore outlined the essential points to know as a general overview about these subjects before going visiting the country to examine their applications of those rights.
Nationality law and statelessness: Case study of Lebanon
April 2023
The report highlights discriminatory nationality laws in Lebanon, which prevent women from passing on their nationality and revoke it if they marry foreigners. These laws contribute to statelessness and perpetuate gender discrimination. Although some measures have been taken, more are needed.

Study on the impact of militarization on the rights of indigenous peoples
January 2023
This report deals with the impact of militarization on Mexico's indigenous peoples. It highlights violations of their fundamental rights, such as torture, disappearances and violence. Militarization leads to isolation, poverty and limited access to basic needs. Indigenous women and children are particularly vulnerable. Access to justice is difficult, but potential mechanisms include monitoring violations, integrating indigenous negotiation methods and strengthening indigenous governance. However, despite legal frameworks, state interests often prioritize economic exploitation over indigenous rights.

Technology and the right to health
November 2022
Digital tools have revolutionized healthcare by improving accessibility and simplifying administrative processes. They have facilitated the dissemination of health information via smartphones and social media, enabling surveillance, contact tracing and public education during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Technology and the right to health
November 2022
La guerre civile au Sri-Lanka (1983-2009) sous un gouvernement contrôlé par une majorité
cingalaise, entraîne la disparition forcée de 60 000 à 100 000 personnes, appartement
majoritairement à l’ethnie tamoule. C’est le deuxième pays du monde le plus touché par les
disparitions forcées.