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La question de la réparation des victimes devant les tribunaux internationaux pénaux - Niki Siampiak

Le Amsterdam Center for International Law (ACIL) organise un ACIL Luncheon sur le thème de la réparation en droit international. Cet événément se tiendra le lundi 12 février 2018.

Niki Siampiakou interviendra aux côtés de Miguel López, elle présentera ses travaux sur la question de la réparation des victimes devant les tribunaux internationaux pénaux :

"Niki's presentation aims to illustrate that despite the incapacity of the international(ized) criminal jurisdictions pre-ICC to address the question of victims’ reparations, their existence demonstrated the need for a reparation model in international criminal law, which later emerged through the ICC. More specifically, it will look at the treatment of reperations in the ad hoc and mixed international criminal tribunals. The establishment of the regime of individual responsibility and the aims of international criminal law will be analysed, before discussing victim redress in the ICTY and the ICTR, as well as further developments undertaken in the internationalized criminal courts."

Plus de renseignements sur la page de l'événement.

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